We enable you to create
your own financial destiny
We help you find the right answers:

We enable you to create
your own financial destiny
We help you find the right answers:

Wealth Planning Methodology

Goal based Asset Allocation
Optimum Asset Allocation for balance risk and reward by dividing money between different asset classes – cash, debt and equities.

Disciplined Fund Selection
We ensure investors maximize their wealth, considering returns after taxes and inflation.

Fund Rebalancing
We monitor your portfolio to ensure that their respective strategic asset allocation remains intact.

Timely Fund Review
We constantly fine-tune our thoroughly tested methods in order to create better portfolios and to ensure that we continue to perform at our best.
Private Wealth
Successful wealth planning isn’t about market timing or “gut feeling”, it’s about delivering to your objectives by planning and preparing you for the investment journey through our coaching.
At iVentures Capital, we help you manage your wealth to preserve its value for generations. Our focus is to deliver positive real return at the most optimized level of risk. We adopt a hybrid allocation approach where we parallelly consider the asset allocation based on economy and your future needs.
Wealth Management and Financial Planning
At iVentures Capial, we help you manage your wealth to preserve its value for generations. Our focus is to deliver positive real return at the most optimized level of risk. We plan for all the 3 W’s of wealth – Wealth Creation, Wealth Preservation and Wealth Transfer.
Our financial planning services include:
- Investment advice
- Tax planning
- Goal Based financial planning
- Retirement Planning
- Cash management

Product Suite
To nurture your wealth and build legacy, iVentures Capital offers access to a wide range of financial products. We believe every goal is different so should be the journey and the vehicle used to reach there.
We provide a comprehensive suite as listed below:
- Direct Equity
- Derivatives
- Mutual Funds
- Fixed Income (Government securities)
- Alternative Investment Funds
Risk Assessment
We all under or overestimate our risk appetite based on the recent activity in our life. If the recent decision turns out to be right we tend to overestimate our apatite by taking big risk and if decision turns out to be wrong we look for little or no risk.
iVentures Capital helps you analyse your ability and willingness to take risk by taking into consideration both qualitative and quantitative factors through a risk profiling tool designed by award winning firm – Finametrica.
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Cash Management
iVentures Capital successfully manages idle funds of individuals, families and SME’s in the most tax efficient and safe manner. We can help you manage your idle funds be it personal or business funds in more tax effective and liquid manner with better returns.
Manage your emergency funds and idle business funds over weekends/holidays with cash management solutions from iVentures Capital through liquid funds.
NRI Investments
iVentures Capital specializes in creating customized innovative solutions for wealth creation and preservation for our NRI Clients. We caters to two categories of Non Resident Indians.
Firstly, who have existing wealth back home in India, we act as a family office.
Secondly, who are desirous of creating wealth in India we acts as an advisor in selecting the right product/product mix,
- Concierge services for NRI and NRO accounts
- Easy investment options
- Complete tax solutions to NRI’s
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Portfolio Review
Careful planning puts ahead in the long run, this very believe calls for portfolio review to assess the past, take cues & plan for future. A portfolio needs periodic course of corrections to ensure that its allocation reflects your current preference for risks, returns and the time period
- Assemble your investments at one place
- Know if your investment suits you and your goal
- Get research backed by Morningstar
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Private Wealth
Successful wealth planning isn’t about market timing or “gut feeling”, it’s about delivering to your objectives by planning and preparing you for the investment journey through our coaching.
At iVentures Capital, we help you manage your wealth to preserve its value for generations. Our focus is to deliver positive real return at the most optimized level of risk. We adopt a hybrid allocation approach where we parallelly consider the asset allocation based on economy and your future needs.

Wealth Management and Financial Planning
At iVentures Capial, we help you manage your wealth to preserve its value for generations. Our focus is to deliver positive real return at the most optimized level of risk. We plan for all the 3 W’s of wealth – Wealth Creation, Wealth Preservation and Wealth Transfer.
Our financial planning services include:
- Investment advice
- Tax planning
- Goal Based financial planning
- Retirement Planning
- Cash management

Product Suite
To nurture your wealth and build legacy, iVentures Capital offers access to a wide range of financial products. We believe every goal is different so should be the journey and the vehicle used to reach there.
We provide a comprehensive suite as listed below:
- Direct Equity
- Derivatives
- Mutual Funds
- Fixed Income (Government securities)
- Alternative Investment Funds

Risk Assessment
We all under or overestimate our risk appetite based on the recent activity in our life. If the recent decision turns out to be right we tend to overestimate our apatite by taking big risk and if decision turns out to be wrong we look for little or no risk.
iVentures Capital helps you analyse your ability and willingness to take risk by taking into consideration both qualitative and quantitative factors through a risk profiling tool designed by award winning firm – Finametrica.
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Cash Management
iVentures Capital successfully manages idle funds of individuals, families and SME’s in the most tax efficient and safe manner. We can help you manage your idle funds be it personal or business funds in more tax effective and liquid manner with better returns.
Manage your emergency funds and idle business funds over weekends/holidays with cash management solutions from iVentures Capital through liquid funds.

NRI Investments
iVentures Capital specializes in creating customized innovative solutions for wealth creation and preservation for our NRI Clients. We caters to two categories of Non Resident Indians.
Firstly, who have existing wealth back home in India, we act as a family office.
Secondly, who are desirous of creating wealth in India we acts as an advisor in selecting the right product/product mix,
- Concierge services for NRI and NRO accounts
- Easy investment options
- Complete tax solutions to NRI’s
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Portfolio Review
Careful planning puts ahead in the long run, this very believe calls for portfolio review to assess the past, take cues & plan for future. A portfolio needs periodic course of corrections to ensure that its allocation reflects your current preference for risks, returns and the time period
- Assemble your investments at one place
- Know if your investment suits you and your goal
- Get research backed by Morningstar
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