Tranding in Equities?

Look No Further!

We enable you to create
your own financial destiny

We help you find the right answers:

iVentures Benefits

Single point access to all markets
Single point access to all markets

Manage all your investments- stock, mutual fund and insurance from a single powerful platform.

Trade anytime anywhere

Never miss an oppertunity!

Trade effortlessly from your Smartphone, Tablet or PC.

Personalized customer support

Get personalized support through live chat, phone, e-mail, sms

Honest prices. No surprises

Trade in Stocks, F&O, ETFs, Mutual Funds, IRFs or Currency.


iVentures Capital is SEBI Registered member of NSE, BSE & CDSL provides a robust platform for investing and trading in markets at most affordable prices.

A platform for those who refuse to settle for average investing.

Significant choice of Products

Trade in the most popular markets and instruments by exploring endless trading opportunities with our extended products.

  • Equities
  • Currencies
  • Derivatives
  • ETF
  • Bonds and’s T-bills

Superior trading strategies

In markets cluttered with noise and sentiments , your discipline gives you an edge.

  • Market neutral strategies offering minimal impact from short term volatility
  • Quant based strategies
  • Income generating strategies
Get in touch with us to gain an edge

Robust platform

Enjoy seamless web & mobile based trading platform offering, that enable you to trade on the go:

  • Bank grade safety
  • Competitive charts and graph studies
  • Transparent pricing
  • Access to live and complete analysis of your investments
  • A single platform for multiple exchanges

Feedback from our Investors

“The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.”
T.T. Munger